Listed below are the previous releases of EDGECAM, to view what features where introduced in each of the releases click the buttons below.
In total, EDGECAM 2019 R1 includes around 30 individual enhancements.Performance Improvements
Mindful of the need to generate quick toolpaths to reduce production costs, EDGECAM 2019 R1 introduced three performance boosting enhancements to its machining engine, benefiting both turning and milling operations.
Regeneration time has been reduced by around 20 per cent when editing the Move Angular/Index commands.
Responding to customer feedback, the Waveform machining algorithm has been enhanced to reduce processing time. Previously, performance bottlenecks were detected when small stepovers were used, or on components with narrow channels and heavily curved regions. Manufacturers will now notice average time savings ranging between 15 and 60 per cent, depending on the complexity of the component and its cycle parameters.
New Parting Off Cycle
A new Parting Off cycle is available for turning customers, satisfying a high demand for a single cycle to not only perform the parting off toolpath, but also to deburr the back edge during the operation. Like all other turning cycles, Parting Off offers extended help through dialog pictures, and is sensitive to the current stock position.
Finish Turning Cycle Support For CoroTurn® Prime Inserts
For turning customers, a new Up-Cutting function has been added to the Finish turning cycle. This enables high productivity finishing to be achieved in conjunction with Sandvik Coromant’s CoroTurn® Prime tools and inserts.
Located alongside the Down-Cut modifier, Up-Cutting reverses the direction of the toolpath, to utilise the Prime insert geometry. Also, the cycle feedrate can be expressed using the ‘Chip Thickness’ modifier, as well as in the traditional format of feed per revolution.
Multiple User Experience Turning Enhancements
Found in the Rough Turn cycle, the Stock Runout function has been enhanced to give greater toolpath control when exiting the cut. The inclusion of Runout Angle and Runout Length means toolpaths can be trimmed to user-specific demands.
The Thread Turning and Finish Groove cycles now benefit from functionality found in other turning commands.
Safe Distance modifier has been added to the Thread Turning cycles, giving more accurate control at the start position of a threading toolpath.
Finish Groove toolpaths can be more tightly controlled with new Start and End Extension modifiers.
The Spindle Set-up function for multi-spindle lathes now includes Main and Sub spindle C Angle positions, further guaranteeing no collisions during the parts transfer command.
Numerous EDGECAM Inspect Enhancements
EDGECAM 2019 R1 introduces 13 new enhancements to EDGECAM Inspect.
The mathematical brain behind the product is being switched to use the PCDMIS fit libraries supplied by Hexagon. All Geometry Fit calculations, such as measurement deviations and GD&T values, now use a higher level of certified and approved algorithms.
More customisation has been introduced. In the past, users had to accept the standard Measurement Report, but now they can develop their own software plugins to personalise it…along with developing their own probing Canned Cycles, usually in Renishaw or M&H format.
Probing features can be managed more easily, as all commands are automatically created on separate layers. Also, where either the solid model geometry is incorrect, or the model isn’t available, the new manual feature means it’s still possible to inspect a region.
Through user feedback, specific Probing features now work with rotary solid faces, and the feedback can also include evaluation of Axis Deflection.
The final enhancement to this area provides two new output variations in the Work Offset function: Type, and Axes. These give greater control and a more detailed inspection routine, while communicating to the machine tool via the NC Gateway.
Hole Cycle Extra Collision Detection
The Hole Cycle now has additional collision checking. While stringent detection has been in place for a number of releases – such as a toolpath being re-directed to avoid a clamp – EDGECAM 2019 R1 now checks if a hole is obstructed by any part of a fixture. Where such a collision exists, the system removes the drill position and alerts the user.
Chamfering Cycle Gouge Checking
Gouge Check Gap has been added to the Chamfering Cycle to give even stricter control over the toolpath. Specifically, neighbouring features which could potentially come into contact with the flute of the taper tool, can now be excluded.
Extended CAD Format
EDGECAM 2019 R1 supports the latest version of all CAD files. Focusing on a few formats, users will notice, for instance, support for SpaceClaim 19 (ACIS V28), Parasolid version 30.1.247, Inventor 2019, and Creo 5.0. All other CAD formats will be catered for when a newer version becomes available.
Regardless of which licence a user has, they’ll be able to load all EDGECAM | Designer files – *.v_t and *.vdf extensions. EDGECAM | Designer is Hexagon’s latest CAD package, featuring direct modelling technology.
The 2018 R2 Release contains 54 items of new or enhanced functionality which improve productivity for manufacturers using a range of cutting technologies and machining strategies.
Pre-Drill Approach Roughing Cycle
The way the ‘Pre-Drill’ approach strategy is handled, has been significantly improved within the Roughing cycle. Rather than manually create drill hole positions, which is sometimes time consuming, EDGECAM 2018 R2 automatically creates the hole position and keeps the drilling toolpath associative to the Roughing cycle.
Simply by activating the command, users can deploy the multi-level and depth functions within a hole cycle, to automatically locate the best entry position for the drill cycle.
Extended Lead Parameters Rough Turn Cycle
The Rough Turn cycle includes several new lead parameters allowing the user to roll in and out of each cut with a tangential arc. A bi-directional toolpath can be created, allowing the cycle to be used in conjunction with Sandvik’s CoroTurn® Prime turning inserts. Significant time savings and reduced tool wear can be achieved when adopting these methods.
Also, the cycle’s collision detection capability has been extended by automatically removing any potential crashes between the tool and the tailstock.
EDGECAM Inspection
EDGECAM Inspection module’s evolution continues with 14 enhancements, including full postprocessor support from with the Code Wizard.
Major items include the introduction of NC Gateway, which communicates with the machine tool, plus ‘Best Fit’ calculation, which allows alignment of the workpiece. As well as the new ‘Inspect Rectangle’ feature, both the ‘Options’ and ‘Inspect Toolpath’ dialogs include new features. Users may now influence both the Work Datum and the Tool Offset, and view the status from within the NC output and the Inspection Report.
Profiling Cycle performance and functionality improvements
Through improvements in the toolpath algorithm, EDGECAM 2018 R2 provides a significant performance improvement with the ‘Pick Solid Faces’ function. Time savings of over 50 per cent can be achieved thanks to the manner in which the cycle gathers data for toolpath calculation.
Users will also gain further benefits when using the Multi-Pass function as the strategy is now supported with helical capability.
EDGECAM | Designer
EDGECAM | Designer’s 2D Drawing Module creates views and sections of the 3D model in the EDGECAM | Designer file. Features include dynamic view creation, shaded and wireframe views, fixed and variable sections, detailed views, and outbreaks. The 2D drawing and its associative dimensions can be updated when changes are made to the 3D model.
The many sketching and modelling enhancements throughout EDGECAM | Designer include the Active Sketch Plane, which allows wireframe to be created directly onto solid and surface models, without the need for workplanes.
In addition, it is now possible to create the Projected Area of solid and surface models, and new analysis functionality calculates aspects such as area, volume, perimeter, and centre of gravity.
Feature Creation from Wireframe
EDGECAM 2018 R2 now unlocks the ability to deploy workflow strategies where ordinarily a feature couldn’t be created, by converting line and arc data into a solid Feature. Once machined the new feature can be edited and the toolpath will remain associative.
Thread Mill enhancements
Found in both the milling and turning environments, the Thread Mill cycle has been enhanced to allow closer toolpath control and greater flexibility. Five new parameters allow users to deploy ‘peck’ and ‘multi-pass’ toolpaths. This will especially help when machining hard materials or when a better surface finish is required.
Further new options found in the Lead tab, give additional control with toolpath ordering.
3D Milling Cycles available In Rotary Mode
3D milling cycles in the Mill/Turn environment have now become available whilst in working Rotary mode. Previously, these cycles were restricted to Planar mode. This enhancement offers greater flexibility in not only unlocking the seven milling cycles which were normally unavailable, but allows users to overcome machine tool limit issues”.
Machine Simulator multiple enhancements
When being forced to use the same tool number but for different tools, programmers in the turning environment can now use the ‘Replace Active Tool’ function, so the simulator will only display a single tool in the turret during playback. And users can now increase playback performance by using the new ‘simplify solid mill cutters’ command. When using complicated solid model cutters, the function will simplify the profile by converting it into a silhouette.
Multiple User Experience enhancements
A good example are the three enhancements found in the ‘Preferences’ section of EDGECAM 2018 R2. Users now have the choice to activate a toolkit by simply using the new ‘Automatically Create Toolkit’ check-box. They can also use the new ‘Job/Toolkit Update’ preferences settings when generating NC output. And the new ‘Technology warning’ check-box helps avoid mis-representing tools feed and speed settings.
Manufacturers working with turning tools can now pre-state the ‘CSS’ condition from the tool store. This avoids individually setting the status every time the tool is chosen.
In the case of Face Grooving tools, programmers can now add further details to the description of the tool by adding ‘Maximum/Minimum Diameter,’ which is particularly useful for Strategy Manager authors. Still with turning, EDGECAM 2018 R2 allows any tool type to be deployed when executing the Thread Turning cycle.
EDGECAM 2018 R2 introduces 28 new technology databases to the Wire EDM module, including the popular Agie, Fanuc, Makino and Mitsubishi controllers.
During the machine simulation stage, the ‘start hole’ (entry position for the wire) is created automatically – alleviating the need to manually create the hole in the stock.”
Major enhancements to the 2018 R1 release of EDGECAM, from Hexagon, include time saving updates to roughing cycles for milling, turning and MTM and the prevention of unnecessary CAM regeneration.
CAM Regeneration
When a user makes an edit to an existing command, EDGECAM 2018 R1 will not automatically regenerate the remaining instructions. When editing a tool command, there will now be no regeneration if the alteration does not affect the corresponding cycles with aspects such as coolant or high-speed.
Roughing Cycle Enhancements
Two new items of functionality in the Roughing Cycle provide time savings in the milling, turning and MTM environments.
Detect Undercut Stock enhances the already powerful stock detection command, by analyzing previously undetected areas of stock. This option helps to avoid ‘fresh-air’ cutting, reducing machining time – in some cases by up to half.
Waveform Roughing Strategy now gives users the ability to determine the radius size when using the helical approach option, by simply entering maximum and minimum values, which will aid the tool’s entry into the component.
Automatic collision detection has been added to the Rough Turning Cycle. In previous versions of the software, it was necessary to manually apply profile extensions to avoid collisions.
Gun Drilling
EDGECAM 2018 R1 provides support for Deep Hole Drilling – also known as Gun Drilling. The new strategy empowers the user to control entry, exit and intermediate drilling conditions. This will be particularly important where specialised Gun Drilling tools are used, and the process requires absolutely precise NC code.
Profiling Cycle New Functionalities
The Profiling cycle used in both milling and turning, now has two new items of functionality. A Spring Cuts field has been added to the Multi Passes tab, which means tool deflection can be removed where necessary, by adding extra neutral passes, known as Spring Passes. This will be used typically when machining hard materials… repeating the profile pass can result in improved accuracy and surface finish.
the new Adjust Feedrate on Arc command improves cycle time calculation. In previous editions of EDGECAM, the postprocessor adjusted circular interpolation feedrates, which gave correct NC output, but not the best cycle time calculation.
JT Open Files Support
Support for JT Open files is incorporated for the first time. This is a lightweight 3D model format developed by Siemens PLM Software. As this file format is expected to become increasingly popular, more and more EDGECAM users will benefit with the files now being supported in the Solid Machinist for Parasolid license. And there’s also support for AutoCad 2018 DWG/DXF files.
Editing Manual Milling Function
An Editing Manual Milling function provides for editing a manually created milling feature, instead of having to recreate an entire feature when extra edges are required. This is expected to give considerable time savings to Solid Machinist users.
Inspection Module
The EDGECAM Inspection module has been significantly enhanced, which brings many new features to the software. Considerable progress has been made with the postprocessor development and NC output, through new Code Wizard options. This includes support for Fanuc macros.
Users now have full control when editing an Inspection feature, including a calibration technique. They can also determine both feature and properties characteristics.
The Move Point function within the Inspection module has two further options: ‘Fixed Axis,’ and ‘Fixed On Surface,’ giving the ability to align a measurement point along a fixed axis, or a solid face. And the Plane Feature command has been enhanced enabling users to choose to evaluate ‘flatness’ on more than four probe touches.
Cycle Dialogs Update
EDGECAM 2018 R1 continues the evolution of updating cycle dialogs with pictures and context-sensitive help, by updating the B-Axis Contouring Cycle, and 3- and 5- Axis cycles. This not only assists experienced users to easily interpret an infrequently used command, but also helps less familiar users to rapidly understand fundamental functionality.
Another new feature that delivers significant time savings is the Pass Boundary To Cycles function, in the Feature Properties window. An improved toolpath is generated when the user engagers Current Stock, and picks a solid feature. Rather than use the stock limits, which can sometimes lead to unwanted passes, the toolpath is now clipped back to the feature’s natural boundary…particularly useful when creating automatic toolpaths in Strategy Manager.
User Experience Enhancements
2018 R1 release includes several ‘user experience’ enhancements, one of which is the improved visibility and consistency of the Datum WORKPLANe marker. The new datum is more prominent. And will change appearance to signify its usage – default, mating location, or machine datum. This is particularly useful when working with multiple component parts, on tombstones and multi-face machining.
B-Axis Contouring Cycle
Finally, additional functionality has been added to the B-Axis Contouring Cycle, which was introduced in the 2017 R2 edition. Maximum Angular Increment will improve the surface finish by refining the NC output, while machining complex turned profiles.
There are around 20 items of new and enhanced functionality in EDGECAM 2017 R2, from the Hexagon stable, covering turning, milling, simulation, and wire EDM.
New B-Axis Turning Cycle
This new feature in EDGECAM 2017 R2 allows greater accessibility when machining complex profiles, by dynamically positioning the insert.
The toolholder is gouge-protected during deployment, and the user can have additional control over the toolpath by deploying over-ride angles. This new cycle can be used with all types of turning tools, and for both roughing and finishing operations.
Measures In Fixture Database
When using the Fixture Database it is now possible to measure fixtures and other workholding devices. It’s essential to be able to accurately measure the exact position and size of the fixture, as well as clarifying its relationship to components, stock and any other workholders.
CadLink Feature Finding
Regarding Feature Finding, information transmitted by CadLink has been enhanced where ‘Limits and Fit’ data is now passed to the EDGECAM feature. This support covers CREO, SolidWorks and Inventor files. As well as showing the characteristic of the feature, this information also empowers strategy manager authors to capture and use the data when creating machining routines.
Live Job Reports
The Live Job Reports function was previously run as a windows service. EDGECAM 2017 R2 swaps it to a desktop application, improving reliability when altering user profiles.
New Quick Search Function
With so many software tools available in EDGECAM it can sometimes be difficult to judge which commands to permanently fix on the interface, but the latest release overcomes this with a new Quick Search function. Less common functionality can be easily located and deployed by simply searching the command library.
Cycle Dialog Updates
The 2017 R2 release continues EDGECAM’s evolution of updating cycle dialogs with pictures and context sensitive help. Slot Milling, Project Flow Curves and Project Circular Pattern cycles have all been updated. This feature not only assists regular users to easily interpret infrequently used commands, but it also aids less familiar users to quickly understand fundamental functionality.
Inspection Module
The Inspection Module offers an “unparalleled ease of use and sophisticated probe path generation” for both in-process and end-item part inspection. It provides a robust environment for on-machine probing, supporting a wide array of feature types, path creation and report generation.
Responding to the growing need for offline inspection and probing, EDGECAM caters for CAM programmers, and utilizes CAD models. Using a set of easy to use commands, the user creates a set of inspection features which are then converted into a toolpath and simulated. This means the machine code macros are created via EDGECAM’s postprocessor.
Machine Simulator
The Machine Simulator benefits from two additional enhancements. The ability to pick the target component while using View Comparison was introduced in the previous release, and has now been enhanced so that users can now opt for ‘All components’…especially useful when working with numerous parts on a multi-loaded fixture.
And secondly, a quicker, more convenient way of rewinding the toolpaths has been introduced when exiting Machine Simulator: rather than use the traditional menu option, users can now simply hold down the ‘Shift’ key.
Roughing And Hole Drill Cycles
Roughing and Hole Drill cycles have been upgraded to be more consistent with existing functionality – namely when roughing to full depth, users no longer need to state a ‘cut increment’ value. In previous releases, it was necessary to provide a figure.
Similar to the Roughing cycle, when set to ‘Use Current Stock’ the 2017 R2 Hole cycle no longer requires a Z Level value — the system automatically detects the start position for the toolpath.
Wire EDM Enhancements
Finally for Wire EDM users, numerous enhancements have been made to the Machine Configurator. Support for multiple versions of EDM Expert is now available, and a new technology setting has been added, allowing cycles to automatically switch to the appropriate EDM Expert technology page.
ACVISIon & Excetek Postprocessors
The ACVISIon and Excetek postprocessors now have more options, giving greater user control.
Tagging functions
The Tagging functions now allow a non-parallel movement when exiting a machining path. This assists with better code output and allows a constant tag width along the entire part.
EDGECAM 2017 R1 offers nearly fifty items of new and enhanced functionality covering turning, milling, wire EDM, machine configurations, and user experience. Individually these items each produce time savings, improved performance or enhance the ease of use. Taken together they represent a significant improvement in the overall user experience for our customersTombstone Module
This new feature offers huge time savings, as users no longer need to manually carry out the load, insert, merge and rationalize commands.
Machine Configuration
Radially and axial mounted tools are also supported, in both single and multiple spindle environments.
Another new feature is a sliding spindle or material, providing support for machines where the tool is static but the material slides in and out of the chuck or collet. These enhancements are made to accommodate the tooling and motion used in Swiss-type machines.
Wire EDM Improvements
The new Wireframe Feature finder command caters specifically for users working with 2D/3D wireframe CAD data. It removes the need to rely on Linked and Taper Profile commands, making it easier to work with intricate profile shapes.
Milling Profiling
Workflow and Planning Board
Session details have been added to Setup Browser and Rotational Handle on Dynamic CPL Marker within the Turning environment. Within the turning environment users will notice that the CPL Marker looks simpler by just displaying the X and Z markers greatly improving ease of use. The new marker can be used to dynamically rotate, pan and translate the component. The Set-Up window has been split into two distinct panels – Session, which displays environment and material information, and Set-Up dealing with datum and positioning. And when loading multiple parts the Set-Up window will individualize each solid model and automatically add a new CPL datum, meaning each model can be scrutinised individually, and datum altered.
Improved Display enhancements
Several background enhancements not only improve picking/highlighting when working with solid files, but show improvements in speed and part file manipulation. These enhancements come about through improvements to EDGECAM’s own internal engine, and by upgrading the OpenGL 3.3 technology.CAM Cycle Dialogs
Various improvements
The Update Fixture command has been enhanced to include optimised Indexing moves. “Previously, users had to pick a safe Index position for the whole sequence. EDGECAM 2017 R1 removes this limitation, by automatically checking and correcting all Index Moves against stock and fixtures.”Additional updates have been made to the Rough Groove cycle…this time to include canned cycle support, through a Canned Cycle check-box.
There is no longer any need to program Rapid To Toolchange and Rapid To Home commands when working with turning and mill-turn machines, as this can now be set as the default.
Users working with multiple components will gain significant benefits from two new features in the Insert Component command. “It’s now possible to insert separate machining sequences – whereas in the past all sequences had to be inserted, which, in certain set-ups, wasn’t necessary.” Also, CPL datum can now be selected from a simple drop-down menu.
Fully 64bit & Full Support
Full support is provided in a new module, for rotary heads typically found on Trevisan type machine tools, common to the oil and gas industry where very large components require a turning operation provided by the rotating head. The component remains stationary on the rotary table, with the secondary spindle being used to turn profiles and bores.
Ramp Cut Strategy – Rough Turn
Enhancements & Machine Configuration
Turning, milling and wire EDM functions all benefit from numerous enhancements, including three for turners in the area of grooving. Improvements to the rough grooving cycle have done away with the need to manually add radius compensation, as the cycle now incorporates that functionality.
“The cycle now automatically detects a small radius or chamfer on a groove feature, and removes surplus cuts where applicable. “This not only saves cycle time, but also alleviates the need to manually check for wasted cuts.” The rough groove cycle also offers a new Intermediate Cuts function for determining the number of extra cuts required to successfully machine across a large chamfer or radius on a groove feature.
Wire EDM Improvements
Secondly, the Move command now supports rotary axis positioning, meaning users can choose not only a linear value, but also an angular co-ordinate. And thirdly, the Wire Ribbon Interface now has a ‘Translate’ command, giving the ability to globally move either single or multiple CAM instructions. “The command works in the same way as that in the mill and turning environments where ‘from’ and ‘to’ group the translated CAM instructions,” says Simon Mee.
Mill/turn & Milling Profiling
Advanced 5 axis Cycle
A new pattern type – Flowline – has been added to the advanced 5-axis cycle. It creates a toolpath aligned to either the U or V direction of the machining surface. “The user can determine the toolpath’s style, choosing either ‘along’ or ‘around.’ As only a single face is required, calculation is extremely fast.” A typical application for Flowline is where a specific surface texture, or grain, is required.
Port Machining Enhancements
Improved Display enhancements
CAM Cycle Dialogs
Various improvements
Support for Nutated Head on mill turn machines using Fanuc, Siemens and Heidenhain controllers is introduced into EDGECAM’s machine tool configurations.
And a further enhancement has removed ‘rollovers,’ which could happen when the cycle was set to Pick Solid Faces. This improvement will be applied automatically when the toolpath is regenerated in EDGECAM 2016 R2.
The new Editable Manual Turn feature means users can now alter a turned profile feature by simply checking an ‘edit’ command.
While using any of EDGECAM’s probing cycles entities, including linear and circular edges, vertices and circular faces, can now be picked directly from a solid model, and because they are associative to the model, the toolpath automatically updates after a design change.
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